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Case Study

Education: The Civil Rights Movement of our Time
Education thumbnail


Create a short, highly engaging video for Central Asia Institute's fall fundraising campaign. In a short video, create an emotional connection between US based donors and girls struggling overseas to earn an education. Tell the story of young woman who depend on the resources CAI provides, without any access to film them.


Although they are magnified, barriers to education are not unique to war torn and impoverished areas of the world. Our team found a local educator to tell the story children struggling to earn an education right here in the US. We wove this story together with the limited footage we had of the overseas children and motion graphics.


We spent a day at a local elementary school filming the children as they went about their normal activities. Later interviewed Amy, our local educator, about the struggles in education and its importance. Results: https://centralasiainstitute.org/education-civil-rights-movement-time/ Play

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