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Studio Pulse

Video Production and COVID-19

We’re rolling cameras again!  The new guidelines for gathering and working have really created some interesting challenges for us all. One Floor Up has been working with essential (healthcare) clients throughout the COVID-19 quarantine. But this week, our production team is back in business with all of our clients. We’ve set up a few new protocols to keep us all safer together. Below is a list of some steps we are taking.

  • Keeping under 10 people on set/inside a building. We do love having our clients on set, but today we can’t invite the whole team to join us. We have created a “video village” where clients can watch the production come through the camera as well as see behind the scenes. We leave our zoom meetings turned on all day so they can interact with the team.


  • Anyone entering the set will be prescreened for symptoms and temperature checks.


  • Everyone wears masks throughout the day. Obviously the on-camera talent cannot wear a mask the whole time but they are expected to wear it until the camera is rolling and we’ll be doing our best to keep them safe and appropriately distanced.


  • Surfaces, chairs, and tables are sanitized before the shoot, throughout the shoot, and after the shoot.


  • Crew and Clients remain six feet apart at all times. Social distancing is maintained as much as possible throughout the shoot day. Everyone has sanitizer and access to soap and water if they must interact within the six-foot bubble.

These are just some of the precautions our team is using to keep everyone safe and healthy. There are many options and variables to produce videos in these uncertain times. We have access to studios with control rooms, Livestream video villages, and more. We know how much our clients need content and we’re ready to help do it and keep us all safe!


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